Telangiectasia: Causes, Symptoms, and DiagnosisThe blood vessel exploded in the middle of the bow I've had blood vessels at the bottom of my feet before. I can usually see the blue color through the skin. Now I have one that I can't see any bruises, but I can feel a little pea-size blow that's incredibly painful. I can't put weight on my foot from this little invisible blow. I'm not sure what it is and if it really requires medical care. Any help would be so appreciated. 8 AnswersHello Aagness, did you ever find any solution to your standing problem? I have exactly the same problem with broken blood vessels under my foot that have now formed a painful blow that will not disappear. I wonder what can be done to reduce the skillet. Hi and thanks for your question. Without examining you it is difficult for me to say exactly what may be causing your pain. If you haven't seen a Podiatrist yet, I recommend you to have a more thorough examination. It may be a planting fibroid, but again this is better determined by a person's examination. Most lesions in the foot are benign and can be injected with a steroid to decrease pain and inflammation. Some injuries are diagnosed better with a magnetic resonance, so your Podiatrist can recommend more comprehensive diagnostic tests. Good luck! Dr. Emily Splichal Please note: We do not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. By law, we cannot give specific medical advice on the Internet. I had a painful vein swollen the other day and now I have a hematoma in the bow of my foot. Definitely not plant fibroid. The fabric is very soft and tender now that the vein has exploded. I've been on my way, but I've never experienced this problem before. Could it have been a varicose vein? I had a blood vessel exploded five years ago in my foot's bow. Dr. took it off and everything's been fine. Now I have another one in the same place and I'll go back to Dr. and take it off. It's not worth walking in pain. Barbara, what kind of doctor did you go to? I have something similar that just popped up a few days ago and I'd love to have it removed so soon. I'm really worried about all these answers. Is this just happening to you once? I can stand on my fingers or climb wrong stairs and feel instant burn and pain in the lower upper bows of my feet. And I find broken blood veins that burn and hurt for about 10 or 15 minutes. I put them on my feet once or twice a week. Basically every time they're healthy, I'll show up again. I guess this isn't normal? Thanks for sharing. Thanks also to the professional advisor. This just happened to me. I felt a burning pain for about 10 minutes and an immediate purple lump in the lower bow of my foot. It was a size out of a room and hard. It's been a couple of days and it's still there but more flattering. How long does this take to heal and is dangerous? Leave a Reply Name * Email * Comment Related discussions
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